- GUARANTEED POWER: With 11th Gen InteI Core mobile processors, it’s now possible to enjoy incredibly immersive entertainment on a remarkably thin and light touchscreen laptop.
- KILLER WIRELESS: With Wi-Fi 6 techology, the Killer AX1650 prioritizes streaming video, communication, and game traffic in your system for fast, smooth online experiences.
- STUNNING IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT: Dolby Vision content can deliver highlights that are up to 40 times brighter, and blacks that are up to 10 times darker.
- START IN AN INSTANT: A built in lid sensor with a new press fit hinge allows you to open the lid with one hand and power up in milliseconds, no matter what power-state you are in.
- DELL SERVICES: Your Dell XPS includes 1 year of Dell Premium Support with priority access to deicated experts anywhere, anytime even when traveling internationally.
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カテゴリー: ノートパソコン
メーカー: Dell
ブランド: Dell
高さ: 37.5 センチ
幅: 27.0 センチ
奥行: 10.7 センチ
重量: 2.5 Kg