出版社:ダークホースコミックス 発売日:2014/8/5 言語:英語 ハードカバー:200ページ 寸法:23.62 x 2.24 x 31.24 cm
Foreword by Guillermo del Toro, director of "Pans Labyrinth" and "Pacific Rim"!
sexy, brutal, bizarre, and humorous, including his distinctive Hellboy figurine work, extensive commentary, and an exclusive interview with the artist!
Katsuya Terada is an artist with a combination of bold compositions and precise brush strokes. In addition to his character designs and his own manga works, he is also popular not only in Japan but also overseas as a versatile illustrator.
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release date: 2014/8/5 Language: English Hardcover: 200 pages